Tuesday, September 9, 2014

school on a non school day

Believe it or not, non routine days are usually the hardest for me. When we don't have school and if we have nothing planned like play dates or grocery shopping or train museum etc. then I find myself pulling my hair out by 10 AM. My kiddos (and myself) operate best under a schedule. So when all else fails, even on our non school days, we sort of are doing "school."

So on this particular day,we started our morning out reviewing the letter Ll, the sound is makes, how to write it, as well as talking about some words that begin with the letter L.  We made our popsicle stick props, worked on our bible verse and talked about how each person in the family can "let their light shine." After that, Palmer woke up early from nap and we headed to the park to do some exploring. We searched for sticks, rocks and leaves. We made L's out of the sticks, drew L's in the rocks and found a lot of leaves & rocks! Hampton worked on drawing circles in the ground and finding "big" and "little" rocks. 

These are our "popsicle" props. We don't use them a lot, but they are cute to make. Hudson likes carrying them around, hampton likes ripping them up =/ If you have a "ripper" I suggest laminating them.  We use the props whenever we read books, sing songs or go on "scavenger walks." Reminds the boys what to look for. 

After rest time, we played bingo! I love this little bingo game by Melissa & Doug. It comes with a little push spinner that Hampton loves.

So not a lot of worksheets or structured activities but it was nice day to get out of the house! This is also a great time to use a lot of ideas from "God's Little Explorers" curriculum!! Love all her outdoor activities! Perfect for my little adventure seekers ;)

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